2025 Spring Fine Art / Fine Craft Fair
Mississippi Valley Fair Grounds
2815 W. Locust St, Davenport, IA 52804
Saturday, May 10th,10am-5pm
Sunday, May 11th, 10am-4pm
The Beaux Arts Fund Committee, a non-profit group of volunteers, donating all proceeds to the Figge Art Museum to fund exhibitions and educational programs. The Fair is free to the public. No commissions Fair is held outside rain or shine.
Please select only one medium per application: Clay, glass, fiber/leather, jewelry, painting, mix medium, photography, wood, drawing, printmaking, or sculpture.
No Buy / Sell Items No Dried or Fresh Flowers
A non-refundable $25.00 jury fee is due with application.
Booth fee: 12'w x 14"d $225.00 / 24'w x 14'd $450.00
Corner: 2 exposed sides additional $25.00
Fees will be considered late after March 15th and subject to a late fee of $10.00.
Online: www.BeauxArtsFair.com
February 15th: Deadline jury fee paid with application.
March 1st: Acceptance notification emailed.
March 15th: Fees due requests will be honored on a first-received basis.
Fees will be considered late and subject to a late fee of $10.00 after March 15th.
April 1st: Booth numbers will be posted online.
April 1st: Last day to cancel with refund.
Cancellation Policy
An office fee of $25.00 will be deducted from refunded booth fees for cancellation.
All images must be in JPG format. Images should be an accurate representation of art to be displayed at fair, and done in the past three years. One image of booth showing your art in an outdoor display. Artist's name or person should not appear within images.
There will be overnight security Friday and Saturday. However, damage or loss will be the responsibility of the artist not the Beaux Arts Fair Committee. Make sure the information booth has a phone number so you can be reached in case of bad weather. Security will call you.
Coffee, Donuts & Fruit
All Artists & Craftsmen over the age of 18 professional or amateur are invited to exhibit and sell their work. Artists under 18 must be accompanied by a guardian. ALL WORK MUST BE OF ORIGINAL DESIGN AND HANDCRAFTED BY THE EXHIBITING ARTIST, NO REPS. Artists may show two mediums in their booth as long as both have passed the jury. No shared booths / Artists should be present during fair hours.
All exhibitors must provide their own display, tables, chairs, and white canopy. Booths should be built to withstand gusty winds. A minimum of 50 lbs. on each corner of a 10'x'10 booth is recommended. All storage must be neatly contained within the booth area. The booth must remain open during fair hours. No gas-powered generators are allowed.
Exhibitors are required to collect and submit IA state sales tax. Artists must obtain their permanent permits before the event. Contact Taxpayer Services, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:15 p.m. Telephone: 515-281-3114 Email: idr@iowa.gov
Beaux Art Committee has the authority to request the removal of any exhibit or undesirable items. Anyone who exhibits rude or obscene behavior, or is verbally or physically abusive toward a volunteer, exhibitor, or general public will be asked to leave.
Process: How do you create your art? What materials do you use? This will be read to jury along with title, size and price. No other information will be read. The Committee has the right to request the removal of any art not representational of jury images.
Your booth number is in your packet. Please display number on the front right side of booth. Judges will be at the fair on Sat. First place ribbons and $50.00 will be awarded in each medium. Best of Show will be selected from the category winners and receive $250.00. Winners will be posted at information booth.
Questions & Inquiries
Saturday & Sunday morning 8:30 a.m. at information booth